Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Lifes boring at the moment

not crackin,but had somewhat of family bonding i guess? idk. was soo bored i played with my neice haha we watched yo gabba gabba,full house,spongebob,and my life as liz together haha.juss practicing with the cam.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Benicia Kids

Been kickin with these fucks lately (: there fun no homo. haha
First time goin to twin peaks,dope ass view.


Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Benicia and a Slap

Well today me,austin,and daniel went to benicia..and it was fun haha.We kicked w/nick,ari,and gabyy.We had a failed attempt to go to dairy queen cuz it was closed..then we yelled at some "PEOPLE" which was hella fun and then dropped of gabyy then went to austins and then target and that it. Overall:dope day 7 out of 10

this song is in my head! when you listen to it think of me (: haha

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

My Life as Liz

wsup with MTV lately? good shows or what!
show to watch:
Jersey Shore
The Buried Life
My Life as Liz
(episode #1)

(episode #2)

haha good show! 9 outta 10

Step Brothers BEST MOVIE ever!

hahaha skip to 3:33 if you wanna laugh!
it reminds me of BOJ (: (austin,gabe,and armondo)

Jersey Shore Spoofs

ima miss this show :(


Monday, January 18, 2010

Kodak Moment

i thought it was clever to take a picture of film,haha picture of film? get it? cuz you usaully use film to take a picture but this time im taking a picture of film hahahaha..yea uhmmmmm ANYWAYS here (: Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket

A day with WILLIAM haha aint no thang

So today was fail,but not completely! my nigga will came over waited for some benicia kids to hit us up but it wawnt happening,and everybody else was doing HW fuck school man. Ruins everything. Well me and will juss watched secret life all day and slapped some HUS in the room. Sharing a phone is not the bidness btw.haha and yea other than that my lifes is speeding down chill st. haha and to the chick w/not much confidence PUT YO GAME FACE ON >=( ahha

Dont Be No Punk!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

What "Guido" really means

Guidos today give the whole Italian culture a bad name. Gelled up blow outs, shirts extra small - bout the size my 8 year old niece would wear. Stupid sunglasses worn day and night. Usually all second generation Italians, and either don't speak of word of the language, or have learned just enough to enforce their guido image. Dark hair, waxed eyebrows, fake tans, lots of tacky jewlery. The modern day guido has usually never worked a day in their life (considered among guidos as an on going accomplishment) which leaves themselves babied by mama and papa. Thats right, no matter whos birthday it was for the BMW is still DADDY's bitch! Which brings up another point, Guidos drive BMW's Italians drive Cadillacs assholes. And even realer italians drive fiats and alfo romeos.
The guido doesnt care what his appearance really is, with a gut, skinny arms, a tight track suit and sandals he will still think he is the shit.
Every guido ive seen wears some form of womens facial make-up. Often when the guido does not have a desirable pigment to their eyes they will buy colored contacts.
The guido takes pictures of himself in poses that he wants to seem candid, often these pictures are numerous and the guido selects the 1 of 100 pics to put on his myspace page, which is littered with images of italian flags and the colors red white and green.
The common guido cannot tell you how old the Pope is, or who the leader of italy is. In fact, they probably dont even realize that when they call...

definition grabbed off of http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=guido
theres more meanings..


Monday, January 11, 2010


made a facebook and formspring! haha doin what cool kids do ;)
ask me on:


Fist Pump!


"axl knn ramos"
add me :)

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Gucci Mane

Slappin gucci for almost 2 hours,he's hella dope if you really listen ot him.


Monday, January 4, 2010

New Years Resolutions

helllla LATE on this but heres my resolutions:
-cut the fast food
-rice :(
-good grades
-workout more
-actually pay attention in church
-stop lying
-dont EVER be a punk b*tch!

for the cussing one,i want anybody whos around me to hit me..ONCE.
soo it'll motivate me to stop cussing. thanks :)

2010 1st post

ayyye,1st post of the year! well 1st i wanna say RIP Evelyn Faustino! i love you auntie,we didnt talk much but the times that we did were fun :( but why be sad,i think she wants all of us to be happy FOR her.like the pastor said (not in these exact words but) she prolly lookin down at us from heaven saying that its better up there then down here and SHES feelin bad for us.But auntie watching your family cry made me extremely say and makes me wanna change to a better person,i hope you watch over your family and comfort them as much as possible till eveythings better.well yea much love auntie rest in peace.

So today went to the funeral very sad,then ate at golden buffet city with the friends hada good time,i think that was a nice way to end break.Then me and marvin went to daniels waited for gabe picked us up went to bethel laughed at gabes locker haha picked up jape went to the mall got our hats K.N.N. CLASSIFIED then went home.