Wednesday, September 30, 2009

I Wonder

Alright,ima vent because alotta shit is goin through my head -___-
So yea, i wonder if she checks up on me somehow,and like thinks alot before she goes to bed and wakes up and alla that.Cause honestly i do,like i wanna stop and i kinna dont get me?I dont know.. everybody said i deserve better.All these notes and stuff,kills me. i honestly dont have the balls to throw it away.ugh. all those i love you's how do WE feel about it now?i hope your doing good :) and yea aha shit like this is rare id never write about shit like this on a "blog" haha but damn juss had to let those out.well yea umm this is not a poem haha but yea deuces..

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Abbie Birthday...AGAIN

Well i had dope ass fun day.I love you abbie happy bday again!So that day just got back from the tellie lightweight hungover aha,went to ihop which turned out to be a fail then ate mcdonalds,went home K.O'd walked to abbies in blazing heat,met some people,ate a lil,played ball.WHOOPED some kids aha me brucie yee.Then jus kicked back and chilled overall dope party thanks abbie for cleaning your house haha.Sweet 16 ;)

You are outta control Gabe.

Sunday, September 20, 2009


FRIDAY:Marvins hookah 2 hours straight haha that nigga chris dolette doe.
SATURDAY:Stars,Baldos,Party FAILS,and kick it at Tess's.
SUNDAY:Phone,Church.Sweet Tea's.


hella busy lately no time for pics -__- next post will have pics promise ;)

Tuesday, September 15, 2009




Damn first post in deep,well things change "for the good i gess" but im not trynna think bout it as much soo sorry to the homies who tryna help juss aint trynna talk bout it.But um yea on the bright side i talked to my councelor and shes finally changin my schedule (: Pino 3 comin back yee bouta be a douche and fuck with mr.Filipino Staff haha.Other than i can actually say im lightweight happy to go to school tomorrow juiced in fact.But um 1st period Mr.Muster multimedia production class hellla crrackin only nigga i talk to in that class ahah fuckin with the imacs.

we had to get that gaangsta pic

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Happy 1 Month Babe

Finally! aha Happy 1 month babe.I love you so much as you can see by the CARD i made you!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

"The Suspense is Killing Me"

This shit is on HIIIT! 50 cents at Food 4 Less got like 5 of these haha! But um yea
"The Suspense is Killing Me" omg 2 mo mufffuckin days i been busy the whole today trynna make things perfect,ughh im getting pimples as i type -___-.The only thing brightening my day right now is this babyVVVV haha and of course babe ;) i love you so so so so so so so so so much babe 2mo dayss WHOOO much love from the hood baby,thats it for now gotta do more stuff haha surprise!! haha deuces.-love axyy saxxy

Monday, September 7, 2009

Getttin Warrrrmer,Alllmossst Therrre

haah soo i did post today,well today i didnt do anything besides mysapce,iss,aim,omgpop,and talk on the phizzone aha.Im not trippin doe,todays suppose to be a chill day and it was soo yea.
Im hella happy,like freal! hella happy!but this one aint gonna be long 3 more days.schools tomorrow ehh yea thats wsup with my life,not crrackin? i know fuck school.But yea 3 mo muufffuckin daaays.Shes in for a treat :) much love from the hood doe babe deuces..
"DO THE RIGHT THANG VOTE FOR KLENG" :) stay thinkin for you.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Closer Ohh Come Closer

Man ima explode with happiness! This whole weekened was something i really needed! Thank GOD for labor day! Got sooooo much closer with babe like freal talk.Kicked with her friday night,saturday morning,saturday afternoon,and sunday afternoon.I love you soo much babe you dnt even know. But yea,everythings been goin great.School's cool could be better,and the relationship HA juss took another step UP! Im really happy with how things are right now :)
Aight so today woke up to babes voice,went to 1130 mass with marvin,then went to this lil picnic thing for rachel,cleaned up hellla fast,went to babes house.Helped her with HW took a nap there,wrestled,watched tv,then left.At the house now cleaned again,ugh stupid parentals.Waitin for babe to call then finna K.O at soon haha its only 7 hella early but sheeit im pooped :) hah
So yea 4 mo muuuuffffuccckkkinnn daaayyys doe niggga hella juiced,SCWUBLLES comin soon ;)
well yea prolly wont blog tomorrow but you never know check it out.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Happy Birthday Hannah!

haha sorry,some late changes my bad if pics are out of order haha enjoy! ;)

Happy Birthday doe hannah! Well yea shes 17 now WHOO sheeit idc 16 year olds run this bitch :) aha but yea anyways went to chevys around 7 got picked up by chinky picked up joanne then met up with Hannah,Trisha,Nikki,Carlos,Chris,and Narmeen.Ate some weird looking but good food,surprised hannah with the chevys bday thing ahaha your welcome ;) had a good time chillin with the vintage homies...nikki had a good time as you can tell (6th pic) haha then posted in front of chevys took pics and dipped home..went straight back to hw FML!