Wednesday, September 30, 2009

I Wonder

Alright,ima vent because alotta shit is goin through my head -___-
So yea, i wonder if she checks up on me somehow,and like thinks alot before she goes to bed and wakes up and alla that.Cause honestly i do,like i wanna stop and i kinna dont get me?I dont know.. everybody said i deserve better.All these notes and stuff,kills me. i honestly dont have the balls to throw it away.ugh. all those i love you's how do WE feel about it now?i hope your doing good :) and yea aha shit like this is rare id never write about shit like this on a "blog" haha but damn juss had to let those out.well yea umm this is not a poem haha but yea deuces..

1 comment:

  1. i feel you i cant throw notes and shit away either its hella hard..i think like that sometimes but shit just try and stop haha idk
