Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Fishin w/the homies

pretty fun,i say one of the funnest thing i did all spring break. this spring break wasnt that crrrackin..but still got one week left soo who knows.


Monday, March 22, 2010

1st day of spring break 2010

sooo first day of springbreak..im not doin anything.
haha hopefully tonight ill be gettin active with william&gabriel later tonight. soo
untill tonight im axlKNN lata.

Monday, March 15, 2010

just to top off my monday

oh yeeea, they stamped my form which means im goin to BHS PROM yee(:
haha i was lookin for an "happy asian kid" on google to realte to how happy i was but i think this pic is waaay better.this just made my day(:

騙子(husalah in chinese):


hada lil party for joanne at the bigg slide park! hella fun,played lava w/the homies and had a lil decent lunch,after we watched the pacquiao fight..ran the train on akon. then went to some bunk ass party got shut down,then fought the feds then went home. then sunday everbody did their own lil thing aha but i went to santa rosa worse place ever! went w/ari and her parents fun lil mission then went to church at st.doms again pretty dope. annnnnnd then went home..next week is spring break and im juiced! 4 more days doe!

brazilian food :P

Friday, March 12, 2010


soo today was a bitch ass day,still kinna mad.its 11:47 and im stuck in this computer room at the lodge w/jape. Soo my day started goin downhill at the beginning of 6th. Gotta F in multimedia,that ment i couldnt go to PROM. So i thought to myself no biggie,cuz im juss gonna take my "date" out to eat instead for a alternate(: but yea,looked FORWARD to kicking with my "bestfreind" but she shmmmmlaked! soo me and jape walked the "walk of shame" all the way to starbucks..yes I WALKED ALL THE WAY TO STARBUCKS juss to kick it w/my friend that SHHMLAKED! soo met up w/my sister she dropped us off chilled in alexis house.then eventually got kicked out and now were stuck here..who wants to give us a ride? (: hit me or jape please. we will good deeds for you hehe

Sunday, March 7, 2010

The ORIGINAL Cheshire Cat(:

dope ass friday watched alice in wonderland in 3D pretty dope.watched it with benica kids and couple of KNARs.hella fun.

favorite quotes of alice in wonderland:

"Off with her heeeead"!

"why is the raven like a writing desk?"

soo today i went to 11'o'clock church w/ari went to st.doms dope church looks hella pricey,alotta white ppl there! its crazy. then picked up will then chilled at panda for a bit.then went to my sisters baby shower hella food. then went to the pier at sunset. fun day. OH! and seen weird things today:
a legit jewish guy.
a black chick with an asian boyfriend.
a pimp wearin all purple.
and someold guy bappin hella cars and actin like it was nthn.

haha overall dope day.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Livin Lavish

i guess i can say im livin high school to the fullest so far(: i think junior year is dope,soo far.lookin forward to alotta stuff! FOR EXAMPLE! prom w/my bestfriend since 3rd grade Alexis Johns(: & jus recently asked a friend(Ari) too HER prom and she YES haha as you can see in this poster i made ahah. get theree SF Gift Center! April 17,2010! and somewhere in san ramone idk the date ayyye get theree. Supreme Souls goin! ayee crrackin. check it.

okay when reading this,pause after "your" prom! it'll make more sense.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Friday Nights w/Will&Ari haha

last friday kicked with will and ari hella fun we watched movies and played dress up with my thug clothes(: and took care of some old buisnesss..


Riceless,Fastfoodless,Pornless,and Droless

tomorrow will be 3 weeks of lent. and im doin very good right now im trying to keep it up,but sometimes i forget,need to remember! the reason why you forget is the devil haha seriously soo be very AWARE of what you do. other than that doing good in school i guess,wish my slug of a teacher would be absent sometime jeez.shes like immuned of everything. aha well tomorrows gonna be fun im excited! haha somebodys in for a treat(; hehe

soo today i kicked it with abbie and marbs we played with the t-pain voice changer all day ahah hella fun.cooked some burgers w/marbs.felt like spongebob and patrick fora lil bit,hella funny.haha thats basically it.typical tuesday..