Friday, March 12, 2010


soo today was a bitch ass day,still kinna mad.its 11:47 and im stuck in this computer room at the lodge w/jape. Soo my day started goin downhill at the beginning of 6th. Gotta F in multimedia,that ment i couldnt go to PROM. So i thought to myself no biggie,cuz im juss gonna take my "date" out to eat instead for a alternate(: but yea,looked FORWARD to kicking with my "bestfreind" but she shmmmmlaked! soo me and jape walked the "walk of shame" all the way to starbucks..yes I WALKED ALL THE WAY TO STARBUCKS juss to kick it w/my friend that SHHMLAKED! soo met up w/my sister she dropped us off chilled in alexis house.then eventually got kicked out and now were stuck here..who wants to give us a ride? (: hit me or jape please. we will good deeds for you hehe

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