Sunday, March 7, 2010

The ORIGINAL Cheshire Cat(:

dope ass friday watched alice in wonderland in 3D pretty dope.watched it with benica kids and couple of KNARs.hella fun.

favorite quotes of alice in wonderland:

"Off with her heeeead"!

"why is the raven like a writing desk?"

soo today i went to 11'o'clock church w/ari went to st.doms dope church looks hella pricey,alotta white ppl there! its crazy. then picked up will then chilled at panda for a bit.then went to my sisters baby shower hella food. then went to the pier at sunset. fun day. OH! and seen weird things today:
a legit jewish guy.
a black chick with an asian boyfriend.
a pimp wearin all purple.
and someold guy bappin hella cars and actin like it was nthn.

haha overall dope day.

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