Monday, August 31, 2009


Ugh,this headache or migrain is a bitch freaall!Been yackin and sleepin all day,popped like 4 aleeves and i still gotta headache.But anyways..Fuck,didnt even go to school today and i know im gonna regret it.Usaully id get sick 2x a year and it had to come the beginning of the school year FML,hope i didnt miss anything important.Fuck me,stressin out on soo much stuff trynna get throught it tho.Cant take any pics,havent been goin anywhere sister moved out aha she was our main source of transportation.The only thing brightening my life right now is FRIDAY oooouu bouta be sooo FUN! ;) haha but damn gotta get some more sleep for tomorrow deuces.
Love you so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so much :) behbeh
goodnite doe..

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Kick It's On School Days..

So ima try a new color today,i kinda like it better aha.But anyways hella hot today -__- annoying gang-bangers in my 6th period class they needa fuckn switch me out already!So like after school went home then daniel and marvin came over we UFC'd helped my sister move out, sell my hat,kicked at daniels,got picked up by joanne,got to petco,dipped to target,seen shane-o at his job,and then finally go home.I found out i had cable in my room haha your right klengy :) btw i miss you and luuhhh you so so so so so so so so so so so much.I better see you tomorrow.
and goodnite much love from the hood you the f'n best doe deuces..

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Bored/Rookie Shoot/Bestfriend # 2

So today,was boring.haha i say the only good thing was prank calling malchiyodi multiple times and talkin to klengy thang :),other than that it sucked,they still didnt change my schedule! I cant stand my 6th period too many ignants there.But yea after school went home cooked for everybody then 45 min with the punching bag.Man you dont know how many work-outs you can do with a punching bag hah its ridicuolus.Then stayed on the computer messed with my iss and take hella pics.Well yeah,thats it.luhhh ya klengy :) tomorrow will be fun deuces

So abbie was bitchin bout makin her a seperate section juss for her so here im doin it happy you lil fuck jk :) but abbie oh abbie man she's smthn hah.i love her she's always there for me even when im bitchy she says and even when im annoying she'll still stay on the phone haha dummy..but abbie shes a coo female like when i need someone to talk too she'll be there and shes always happy,its so hard to catch her sad haha,even doe she did sum DUMBSHIT in the past i still forgive her,she means alot to me and i hope we stay friends for as long as possible :) your welcome bab..see ya tomorrow
umm if you want me to make a special blog for you lmk doe ;)
haha deuces luhh you so so so so so so much doe babe good night.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

HellaCrazy Doe

OMG! Another crazy ass day alotta drama ,but we got over it.But anyway today went to church got unexpected call and bad news ugh oh well like i said we worked it out .Then got home and stayed home tooka nap woke up and then i got a new phone and my phone turned back on soo yea :) everybody GOT MY PHONE TURNED BACK ON DOE! HIT ME!! THE 7513 NUMBER YEE! So yea then jaypee and mravin picked me up went to target then chilled in front of the dollar store then gotta ice tea 4 creamers yupp seen my nigga shane-o-doe haha then went to the waterfront walked passed the same place where i met Kleng,hella smiled and reminised bout pista and when i seen her jerkin :) damn. But yea got home we both vented to eachother and yea.So now im cool.thanks for reading doe deuces.luhh you doe

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

First Day Of School

3RD:U.S History/Weinkley
4TH:English 11/Malchiyodi
6TH:Math Modeling/Aseron

First day of school..COOL..nothing big classes are okay got homies in every class except 6th trynna get switched out,big shock mr.manansala isnt there anymore :( no homo we have this weird ass teacher haha he already gave me,jaypee,daniel,and kevin nicknames haha SSS
"Sige Sige Spootnick" haha fagget hes prolly manansalas boyfriend but yea school not crackin not lookin forward to tomorroe oh well gotta do some hw ya babe

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Last Day of Summer

So today last day of summer :( went by way tooo fast..fuckn summer school.ugh but anyways nikki and jessica picked me up went to see my baby doe(ily babe) then went to walmart got nothing went to wingstop NIKKI fested on some chicken haha jk then went to target bought school supplies then copped a hat from jape then got a haircut.hah i look like jeremih..
SO yea last blog of the summer you babe so so so so much :) goodnite

Monday, August 17, 2009

Kickin With Youngins

=) so happy kicked with babe today,we went to payless and her weird friend tried on sum girl stuff it was weird but anyways,we visited alexis then she went home.So then me and alexis kicked it till 9 we looked at sum DRO haha,then jessica(thanks for the ride) picked me up dropped them all off then me kicked with joanne for a lil bit then went home.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Enzo,Nikki,and Jessica

haha i been kickin it with those fools for the past week i think haah juss wanted to say thanks to jessica and nikki for the rides and enzo for breaking the awkwardness.But anyways gotta a surprise visit from them then went to jessicas and watched tv for a while then got to nikkis house played some weird gaems in the car and deep talks then cupcaked with my baby then went home.usaul day.. love you babe

Wednesday, August 12, 2009


Fail! all i havta say,everything was a fail.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

08/10/09 4:23 pm yee

:) i did it! i asked her out! haha and she said yea!Aight so i got visited by nikki,hannah and joanne.SO they helped me think of ideas to ask her out and we finally thought of one.hah drive-by posterboard haha it was CUTE and she said YEAAA!! WHOO haha so yea kicked it with her for a lil bit then went to jessicas house played weird ass games,then dipped back to vallejo,then met up with jaypee,marvin,and daniel they were swimming chilled in the pool place and then kicked it in my house till 12..Well yea that was my day love you babe :) dnt forget write in the book and stuff,well yea lovee yaa again...deuces

that was all enzo VVVVV haha