Monday, August 31, 2009


Ugh,this headache or migrain is a bitch freaall!Been yackin and sleepin all day,popped like 4 aleeves and i still gotta headache.But anyways..Fuck,didnt even go to school today and i know im gonna regret it.Usaully id get sick 2x a year and it had to come the beginning of the school year FML,hope i didnt miss anything important.Fuck me,stressin out on soo much stuff trynna get throught it tho.Cant take any pics,havent been goin anywhere sister moved out aha she was our main source of transportation.The only thing brightening my life right now is FRIDAY oooouu bouta be sooo FUN! ;) haha but damn gotta get some more sleep for tomorrow deuces.
Love you so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so much :) behbeh
goodnite doe..

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