Sunday, August 23, 2009

HellaCrazy Doe

OMG! Another crazy ass day alotta drama ,but we got over it.But anyway today went to church got unexpected call and bad news ugh oh well like i said we worked it out .Then got home and stayed home tooka nap woke up and then i got a new phone and my phone turned back on soo yea :) everybody GOT MY PHONE TURNED BACK ON DOE! HIT ME!! THE 7513 NUMBER YEE! So yea then jaypee and mravin picked me up went to target then chilled in front of the dollar store then gotta ice tea 4 creamers yupp seen my nigga shane-o-doe haha then went to the waterfront walked passed the same place where i met Kleng,hella smiled and reminised bout pista and when i seen her jerkin :) damn. But yea got home we both vented to eachother and yea.So now im cool.thanks for reading doe deuces.luhh you doe

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